“Maad Science” (The Non-Pseudo Actionable Approach To Manifesting Exactly What You Want).

There’s a mad scientist in us all.

A powerful creator capable of unfathomable life altering ideas, who can manifest (almost) anything that you can imagine.

But how to concoct this formula lies dormant in the neural pathways of your own mind.

The problem is not your creative ability or potential, but your lack of understanding behind the science of how to become this dynamic entrepreneurial alchemist who can turn the everyday chaos of life into potent life of possibilities.


In this letter you’ll learn:

  • Why Most People Struggle To Create Their Own Realities.
  • What Manifestation Really Is Without The Added Fluff
  • How A Specific Order Of Mental Steps Leads To Predictable Physical Outcomes.
  • Actionable Steps You Can Start Taking Now To Get What You Want.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

-Albert Enstein

Bad Reception:

Reality is more of a mental construct then it is physical.

It’s an internal holographic projection created by the brains perception of the world around it. You are the avatar in your own game of life.

You don’t see life as it is, you see it as you are. In real time, what that looks like is you living your beliefs. Your mind is a machine, projecting a worldview based upon information it has downloaded from previous experiences.

So think of it this way.

Your brain generates energy a long with your heart. Your heart being the ultimate energy source to your entire body generating all organic energy from the autonomic nervous system. (Think electrical wiring throughout your house).

Both send communication signals back and fourth to one another, (kinda like ping pong but way more intense) at nearly break neck speeds.

When these messages are clear they create what’s called brain & heart coherence. The benefits of this coherence is something you probably were never taught in biology class. Simply because it would have made your teacher useless along with everything else you were being taught by the compulsory schooling indoctrination system.

The benefits of your brain and heart working in complete sync are:

Improved Cognitive Function:

  • Coherence enhances focus, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Your brain is able to operate at an optimal level of efficiency. Leading to clearer thinking and better decision-making.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation:

  • When in alignment, you can experience improved emotional stability, leading to better management of stress and anxiety.
  • Coherence easily cultivates more feel good chemicals in the body like Serotonin, Dopamine and Norepinephrine which can help create positive emotions like happiness, peace and a greater sense of tranquility in life.

Greater Resilience:

  • You become more resilient to stress and challenges, which in turn allows a greater bounce back from perceived failures or unmet challenges. (The world won’t keep feeling like it’s about to fall on your head after every small setback).

And these are just a few but the list can go on and on.

But unfortunately this isn’t the case for more people.

The average person is living in a constant state of survival, acting out their past negative experiences which keeps their mind addicted to stress hormones. This negative addiction is what simultaneously brings comfort and calamity in a persons life.

(Their brain and heart are out of coherence).

People (bio-chemically speaking) are craving a reality they don’t even want!

Your mind is an energy source within itself, omitting an electromagnetic charge. (A frequency).

It is this frequency that’s is cast into a field of collective energy that is comprised of other people in the world like yourself.

This is why you have an intuitive ability to sense when someone is in a bad mood. You get a negative impulse when a certain someone walks into a room because the frequency their giving off is one of negativity, hostility or hopelessness.

Their emanating their negative energy into this collective field.

So what does that mean?

Well, the longer you allow the negative experiences of yourself, other people and your past to dictate your tomorrow.

The more time they’re allotted to grow, weakening your own energy source, while strengthening it’s corrupt roots.

Keeping you attached to belief systems, negative perceptions and a way of living that ultimately destroys the potential of the person you could become without you ever questioning how it all happened.

2 Paths 1 Or Many Results:

“The alchemist does not seek gold; he seeks the transformation of the self.” -Unknown

Manifestation sounds primarily esoteric.

But there’s real science and actionable steps to prove how your mind is capable of creating the life you desire.

It is mind that creates all things after all.

Your life is nothing more then a summation of your current belief systems, these systems are hard wired and reinforced by your brains pattern recognition system. If your current belief systems are not serving you, then it might be time my friend, to start uninstalling some mental programming that you’ve adopted from others.

By default our minds are lazy, so it’s always looking for the easy way out if possible. It has to be stretched and pulled a bit like a muscle in order for it to grow and really be useful.

So feeding it the proper nutrition can assist in its alchemical process. which is learning something profitable, gaining insight as to how it can be applied and leveraging this information to map out a clear and concise outcome to achieve a specific goal . (Mental Alchemy).

It filters information primarily though two different types of information processors.

  • Convergent Thinking.


  • Divergent Thinking.

Let’s tackle divergent thinking first shall we?

Divergent thinking is a thought process used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. It involves thinking in a non-linear, spontaneous manner and is often associated with brainstorming and free association. If you’re interested I teach this more in explicit detail in my “Cognitive Currency Paid Course”.

If you’re a creative who wants to start actually making an income with your mind and not your time then this is for you.

Divergent Thinking encourages the generation of multiple ideas and possibilities.

It’s more Open Ended, not focusing primarily on finding a single correct answer; instead, it embraces a variety of potential solutions. This perfect for entrepreneurial visionaries and leaders of industry. This is how the Elon’s and Bezos’s remain so dominant in their domains.

It’s also Flexible in nature, Involving a more “thinking outside the box” mentality, assisting you in making more connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

It’s Explorative.

Often involving you asking “what if” questions and exploring various scenarios.

Convergent Thinking is a thought process that involves bringing together different ideas and information to find a single, best solution to a problem. It is more analytical (left brain) type of thinking in nature and focuses primarily on narrowing down options.

The process of elimination if you will.


It helps with synthesizing information to arrive at a conclusion.

It’s more of a oriented way of thinking. Helping you asses the viability of one clear outcome through a systematic approach.

I like it when I just need a damn answer for solving something. Analysis paralysis is a real thing. If you consider yourself a creative then you already know what this dreaded state feels like.

So I like to look at convergent thinking as attempting so solve a math problem where there is a very specific answer I need to get so I can proceed forward.

One answer, one outcome.

This is especially useful as a solopreneur because the road can get really overwhelming.

That’s how shit was for me when I first started out.

I didn’t even know the differences between convergent and divergent thinking. So trying to evaluate my next move always seemed to bring high levels of stress and anxiety.

Different business strategies determine where you end up as an entrepreneur. But once I understood how these two ways of thinking worked it helped me to create a more comprehensive way to run my 1 Person Person Creator Business.

Laying out a clear blueprint from idea, to my writing, to content, to products and services.

Literally the whole sha-bang. If you’re into the solopreneur thing then go check out my free blueprint.

All roads as a creative scientist don’t lead to a singular reality.

You have to take accountability in actively designing your life.

From Black To Gold:

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” -Stephen R. Covey

There are some very real spiritually and scientific unexplainable realities about our existence. Not being able to know them fully has both blessed and cursed humanity since our beginning.

But the relentless pursuit of becoming more and improving ones own condition seems to be a suitable supplement for a life shrouded in pain and bliss. A life complex in nature that can’t be completely understood.

Realities like:

The Power Of Meditation:

  • How are some Tibetan yogi’s able to mediate for 2 weeks straight without moving a single muscle?

Memory Formation:

  • How are memories formed and stored the brain?
  • How are they retrieved?

Placebo Effect:

  • How are people able to experience genuine health improvements in their condition after receiving a treatment with no therapeutic value?

The Moon:

  • Where the hell did the moon come from and what is it’s exact purpose? (I think this every time I look at it it’s kind of annoying).

All things pertaining to life can’t be figured out apparently, whether it be sought out spiritually or scientifically.


Could the idea of manifestation be a result of a scientific holy trinity between spirituality, man and mind?

Maybe. It’s completely up to you to find out though.

From what I can tell, all things began in darkness and are then turned into some form of light.

Be it the Big Bang or God’s All Powerful Spoken Word.

You want something but you’re in mental (darkness). As to how to achieve your desired outcome (light) is a process yet to be discovered.

From the perspective of the mind, manifesting seems to be setting a clear goal and achieving it.

Simple enough right?

But looking further into it, there’s always a sequence to everything. So lets breakdown how you can manifest anything

whether it be:

  • Creating an entirely new mind.
  • Ditching the 9-5 to build a business.
  • Creating higher level relationships
  • Reaching your next stage of potential.

There’s a process of habit formation and change in behavior that must take place in the brain. Like a pre-trip check list for a trucker these boxes have to be checked before you leave the docking station and arrive at your desired reality.

  1. Knowing What You Want.
  • This is the first step and most people claim they already know, but if you attempt to ask more intrusive and thought provoking questions about it, they really don’t know what they want.
  • I’m talking highly specific questions such as what kind of car would you like to purchase? How much mileage is on it if any? What state would you like to purchase it in? What time of day? and What kind of weather would you like to be driving off of the lot in?

This creates “Visualization” in the brain.

Seeing is believing. Your mind needs a powerful mental picture or concept of a reality to strive towards. Not knowing exactly what you want leaves room for ambiguity. What the mind doesn’t comprehend it discards.

2. Focus Your Attention.

  • This is the active search for opportunities, drawing you ever closer to your goal or intended outcome. When you’re focused the mind produces a “Raised Awareness“. It begins to piece together like a puzzle the steps necessary to achieve what you want.

As a kid what did this look like? You saw a box of cereal that looked tasty.

Kid wants tasty cereal but tasty cereal is out of reach,

kids brain scans the surrounding area for items that could potentially be used as leverage to help obtain cereal.

Kid see’s chair.

Kid grabs chair.

Kid climbs on top of chair and can now reach cereal.

Kid grabs cereal, kid eats cereal, kid is now satisfied.

How did the kid notice the chair? His mind was actively seeking out a solution as to how to obtain what he wanted. (cereal).

he became more acutely “aware” of the potential resources in his environment to help aid his cause.

3. Deliberate Practice.

  • Practice really does make perfect and perfect is sooner then you’d like to think. Much sooner then the 10,000hrs. that’s been preached religiously by the self help pundits. The road to manifestation is littered with effort, focused effort.
  • Goal-oriented practice that targets specific areas for improvement. This type of practice is more effective than simply putting in countless hours over a broad spectrum of activities without a clear outcome.

This creates a Focused Drive. A drive, coupled with a powerful purpose, passion, curiosity and a mastery mindset will pull you closer to Flow. The optimal state of human performance.


Flow is an absolute non-negotiable if your going to manifest anything. Whether in micro or macro doses, your mind needs to feel the stimulation of dopamine (The minds reward chemical) in order to continue progression towards you intended outcome.

Especially if the goal is high and lofty.

4. Accountability.

  • A high and lofty goal will not come without a price to pay and it is a high one at that.
  • So having the necessary contingencies and intrinsic drivers will play a critical role in you persevering when the shit hits the fan. And yes the shit always hits the fan when what you want exceeds your current capacity to obtain it.

What keep’s a person on the straight and narrow path to manifestation more then a “Magnetic Desire”.

I’ll tell you, nothing.

Is it curing world hunger?

Perhaps creating the cure for cancer?

Is it you generating enough income to get your family out of abject poverty?

Is it creating opportunities for your children that weren’t given to you?

No matter what it is, your will and desire to obtain what you want must be stronger then your will to quit.

And this can only happen by becoming an entirely new person, capable of doing something extraordinary, so they can manifest a reality that most people are unworthy of obtaining.

Start Turning Water To Wine Now Not Later:

The future depends on what you do today.”** — Mahatma Gandhi

You read a really long letter

Good job.

But what does it all mean if after reading it you still don’t do a damn thing?

What was reading all of this for? Now is all you have. The active and very generous present moment to create a reality that is to be experienced NOW not later. Money, hoes, cars and clothes won’t make you whole.

Lol sorry I had too…

But seriously it won’t. All you have is right now. You can begin experiencing life at a greater depth by living your reality mentally before it physically manifest.

The value of who you are and what you can produce begins in your mind before it is physically experienced in this finite 3 dimensional world.

I’ll leave you with these last couple of gems (even though your brain is already doing most of the heavy lifting for you).

Our Biological Science is great I just want to bring it to your awareness so you can actively take part in your own salvation.

Instead of wasting your entire life waiting, hoping and wishing for someone to come and give you a life that you can begin creating at this moment.

Filter Selectively.

You’re mind is already filtering out things all day. Like I’m pretty sure you didn’t even pay attention to the fact you couldn’t feel your shoes until I just bought it up lol (hehe see). But you can still give your brain a break by:

  • Filtering out known activities, negative hobbies, people, places and things that aren’t moving the needle in your life. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them or how much they mean to you. Nothing or no one and I repeat NO ONE is worth your purpose and the completion of it.
  • Weigh you’re current life and ask yourself is what you’re unwilling to give up worth more then experiencing the life you truly want to it’s fullest?

Pay More Selective Attention.

  • Start noticing the synchronicities in your day, look more closely and watch how God or The Universe is attempting to speak to you. Giving you whispers and glimpses of what you want.
  • Notice the subtleties in the world around you and how opportunity is being found by the seeker. You have to look otherwise you will never find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.

Tag What’s Valuable.

  • Again another function of the brain. This is an autopilot feature which is exactly why you can call to remembrance certain memories of people without effort. You’re brain is always tagging what’s important in order of importance from greatest to least.
  • So if you want to tag something valuable that pertains to what you’re attempting to manifest, then create a memorable experience out of it.
  • If it’s a house you want, then go find an open one for sale, walk around in it, pretend to eat dinner, this empowers (visualization). Helping you to create the necessary emotions from it, further embossing the memory onto your brain. (Think of it like cow branding) When the memory is super vivid, it can never be forgotten like the time you farted in class and your crush heard it (damn that sucked smh).
  • If it’s becoming a world class speaker get a mic and visualize speaking to a packed Madison Square Garden Stadium.
  • If it’s building a brand and teaching it to others then write yourself a 5-6 figure check from a high profile coaching client.

Whatever helps you get it done is all that matters.

I also created this free “Reality Audit” if you just need the right questions asked to help guide you on your self-improvement journey.

Just realize manifesting isn’t as hard as you think, it’s about becoming a person who can achieve a goal.


A person who can go the distance despite overwhelming odds.

You have water, but your bro’s are low on wine at the wedding.

You know what needs to be done.

So do the impossible.

This was a long letter, so special thanks to those who read to the end.

You’re a special breed.

Now go get what’s yours.

Peace and Love Fam,

Until next week,

Create Your Own Reality



Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hey I'm Cass,

Speaker, Business Consultant and Industry Thought Leader. I'm just a guy who's obsessed and passionate about mental mastery and personal development. Helping individuals like yourself unlock their business potential, discover their purpose, and achieve extraordinary success has been my life's greatest fulfillment because I remember when it was all just a dream for me.

I'm not here to deliver rehearsed lines or provide one-size-fits-all solutions. I'm here to empower you to harness your unique strengths, help you experience mental mastery, show you the art of DOMINATING and excelling as an entrepreneur while others continue to only wish that they could.


The only way you can work with me at the moment is through my company, PURPOSED TO DOMINATE.

If you want to build a brand and experience personal growth like never before with someone who can get results, fill out this questionnaire and my team will reach out to you.