“The New Rich” (Practical Steps For Creating New Wealth In A New World)

All wealth isn’t created equal.

Let’s put it into perspective.

Would you rather be a billionaire who works 80hrs. a week.


Would you rather have a couple of million tucked away with the freedom of time, creativity and passion to pursue your purpose while still doing what you wanted with whom you desire to do these things with?

I kinda thought soo..

It doesn’t have to be a dream and it honestly isn’t as hard as your mind is trying to make it seem.


In this letter you’ll learn:

  • How To Create Real Autonomy.
  • The Unique Mechanisms The “New Rich” Uses To Achieve It.
  • Why This isn’t An Option (If You Consider Yourself A Creator)
  • A Clear Blueprint To Joining The New 1%

To Be Free Or Not To Be Free:

“Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.” -Wallace D. Wattles

My rich may not be your rich but I think we can establish one concrete fact. That freedom in such a capitalistic society comes down to one thing.


And that’s what money can buy. The 4 categories of the human experience we long to attain.


  • The freedom to buy
  • The freedom to create
  • The freedom to explore
  • The freedom to experience

Often times when I’m speaking to founders, helping them to uncover their real motives behind building a personal brand. This is what I uncover.

But it can sound a bit selfish when we use the word “Rich”. At least from a non-entrepreneurial standpoint anyway.

When swinging around such a grotesque and detestable word around broke virtue signalers.

You start to sound more like a rich super villain, similar to Lex Luther or a stuck up snobby hero like Tony Stark who just wants to be a pompous asshole and flash their wealth around because they can.

But the real reality is, as an entrepreneur, you getting what you want comes all the way to you being completely honest with yourself.

Highlighting completely what freedom looks like to you, so you can develop a clear aim, carving out clear goals and real time checkpoints so you can begin moving in the direction of what “Freedom” looks like to you.

It’s more of you reaching a place of brutal truth with yourself and what you desire out of this reality of yours.

So here’s what I would suggest for you personally so you can reach a concrete understanding of what freedom is to you.

  1. Search your own soul
  • Recognize your deepest desires. Often times it’s not money but what money can bring. Is it freedom of time? Is it freedom of income? Is buying your parents a house? The better you can understand your motives and intrinsic drivers the easier it will be to create the roadmap to attaining it.

2. Uproot the lies.

  • Begin questioning every limiting belief as to why you think building the life you want isn’t attainable. More times then none it was the indoctrination machine aka school who covertly planted this programming.

3. Lay Fresh Soil.

  • Your mind is moldable until death (literally). Some concepts and ideas may be harder to uninstall then others, but the more attention you pay to a thought or habit the more pervasive it will become in your life. Immerse yourself into the teachings and instruction of people, influencers or mentors.
  • You know, people you desire to be like. But don’t become a clone, recognize what made them who they are and decipher which traits and successes they had that would suit your current path also.
  • Take notes, read books, listen to their podcast and or Youtube videos. Study them from the lens of a creator (think how does this apply to my reality) and you’ll avoid becoming just another carbon copy of them.

If you’re interested I created a “FREE Reality Audit” that helps you explore your present reality and help carve out your ideal future reality in more detail.

I’ll warn you up front.

It takes work, honesty, time and clarity to help you see and formulate a clear path to the life you want most. So actually spend time and give it real thought. It’s all a process.

A New Set Of Tools:

“Skillset + Toolset + Mindset = Asset.” – Myron Golden.

It’s no secret. The mind is 1000% responsible for all technological advancements in the 21st Century.

From airplanes to computers, to high tech gadgets to human eradicating weaponry. (So Sad Unfortunately).

But what we’ve still been unable to figure out despite these beautiful and horrifying inventions is how to create a clear and concise map for the human mind to interpret entrepreneurial success.

A path few ever venture down let alone memorize.

There’s old rich entrepreneurs and there’s new rich entrepreneurs. What defines them both is there ability to leverage the new digital economy. (The Internet).

50 (physical) hrs. in the office isn’t needed anymore when you can use 4 a week and still produce equally or more money. (Again the power of the internet).

Speaking to my brand and one person business owners for a minute. Would you agree with this statement?

There might not be a defined path but, there are some One Person Business commandments that we can go by that’s yielded tremendous results for not only myself but for the founding fathers also of online business.

tools we can use to carve out this path out.

Let’s dive into some.

  1. Delegate.
  • Dish the work out don’t be stingy, outsource and pay for reliable and resourceful individuals who help build your online empire.

2. Create Systems.

  • This will prove to be the most critical move in creating an online business. Systematizing your work flow cuts through the distractions. Freeing your mind to focus on what’s important. (Think Pareto Principle).

3. Time Management.

  • Time blocking what’s important and putting aside what’s not. This is also important for times of rest because yes you can get burnt out. If you’re going to be a one person business owner, especially in the beginning setting aside clear time frames for resting periods and to creating will give you more longevity to stay in business. When it is time to work, write and create content like mad. Short burst of intensity over long periods of time will serve your business in more ways then one.

4. Build Your Funnel.

  • Selling is easy when you have the right funnels at play. Create long form content such as a newsletter (like the one you’re reading) or Youtube, drip that down into smaller short form content like post on IG, Linkedin or Tiktok, bake your products or services into it and voila! Watch the cash roll.

5. Think Mastery.

  • Business is about personal mastery. The new rich are locked into self-improvement, always looking for opportunities to sharpen their mind body and skill. Don’t think this is a short trip. It’s for a lifetime, thus why it is called “The Entrepreneurial Journey.

These are some critical infrastructure tools that can definitely put you on the proverbial “Path To Success”. If you want to dive in further. I created the “1 Person Business Blueprint” for new and tenured solopreneurs who want to zoom out and get a macro view of what a successful online business should looks like.

The Death Of the Consumer & Birth Of The Creator:

“We have art in order not to die of the truth.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

In my opinion.

Life was never meant to be taken as serious as it is today.

Call it childish, but I see kids as having the purest view of reality there is.

They’re limitless, they’re spontaneous and they see creating as a way of life and not as a means to an end.

Perhaps this is why Jesus said that you if you are to enter The Kingdom Of Heaven then you must become like a child?

Idk, but the more I look at reality from the perspective of a creator who is to turn my work, (my art) into play, the more life begins to seem worth living.

Rich is a term to be defined by the creator of it. Which is you. Only you can tell me what a rich life looks like. So be responsible and do your part to create one where others can benefit.

Exercise your passions, purpose and autonomy through your unique creative work. If you find this a difficult road to find.

Then I created a unique way to help turn your “Cognitive Thoughts Into Real Life Currency”. Where you’ll be able to:

-Escape 9-5/Client work Hell.

-Redeem lost time and buy it back with your creativity.

-Turn your BIG idea into a life saving oasis.

-Define your own term of “Rich” where you learn how to print money with your mind instead of your time.

“The New Rich” is us.

The value creators of today, the purpose driven and those who see their own intrinsic worth and necessity of living in this present reality.

All you get is now so make the most of it,

Hope this letter was all that and a bag of chips son son,

Talk soon Fam,



Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hey I'm Cass,

Speaker, Business Consultant and Industry Thought Leader. I'm just a guy who's obsessed and passionate about mental mastery and personal development. Helping individuals like yourself unlock their business potential, discover their purpose, and achieve extraordinary success has been my life's greatest fulfillment because I remember when it was all just a dream for me.

I'm not here to deliver rehearsed lines or provide one-size-fits-all solutions. I'm here to empower you to harness your unique strengths, help you experience mental mastery, show you the art of DOMINATING and excelling as an entrepreneur while others continue to only wish that they could.


The only way you can work with me at the moment is through my company, PURPOSED TO DOMINATE.

If you want to build a brand and experience personal growth like never before with someone who can get results, fill out this questionnaire and my team will reach out to you.