What’s On Your Mental Feed?
No I’m not referring to your social media pages. I’m talking about the feed your mind is generating every second of the day.
The mental gridlock your mind has created from excessive repetition of the mundane.
Everyday for most people begins the exact same.
Let’s give one of them a name..
Let’s call out Joe. (Apologies to any “Joe’s” reading this newsletter in advance, it’s not personal).
Joe’s alarm clock goes off @5am sharp Monday through Friday.
Joe hates Monday’s in particular because it marks the beginning of his weekly slave trade.
The exchange of his most precious resource (time) for his companies menial more abundant resource (a check).
Joe hit’s snooze at least 5x every morning, he somehow manages to drag himself to the bathroom for a leak.
He washes his face, brushes his teeth, puts his clothes on, grabs his burnt toast, starts his car, drives to work,
Gets to work, spends 8hrs doing what he hates just to leave work, throw his clothes back off,
Plops down on the torn rugged sofa caved in by years of gaming and blackout drunk nights.
He gives himself some much needed social media bonding time with his favorite app.
TikTok, IG, YouTube. (Netflix sometimes because he’s a serial binge watcher also).
He consumes his favorite heat and eat. Consumes more social media, falls asleep rinses and repeats.
Week after month after year after decade…
Introspection Time.
Does this scare you?
Are you imagining the nightmare clearly yet?
Because the vast majority just can’t see it.
This cycle in Joe’s life has led to incomprehensible damage, not only to his psyche, but his sense of meaning and purpose for his existence.
If an action is repeated enough times, it becomes a habit.
When habits are accepted, they become daily behaviors, these behaviors then lead to daily patterns, those patterns lead to routines.
Those routines then trigger outcomes. Whether desired or undesired.
But in Joe’s case they are highly undesirable.
We want to get to the bottom of Joe’s condition though. Because performing actions everyday that you don’t want to do not only sounds silly, It’s just plain dumb.
What’s weird is, these actions are engrained in joe, there is minimal effort needed from him to perform them.
His actions and thoughts are mechanical in nature, predictable irrationally predictable.
They almost aren’t even recognizable as human rather they mirror that of a machine.
What happened to Joe?
A better question is…..are you Joe?
Ok enough about Joe for now, we’ll come back to him in a moment.
Just know there are forces beyond our basic level of human understanding; that are constantly attempting to influence the trajectory of our futures.
System Malfunction.
We were born into a system. One that is predicated on following assigned rules and principles. (Sound familiar neo)?
What does this sound like to you?
What piece of equipment operates the exact same that Neo from the matrix was plugged into?
I’ll give you a hint, it completely revolutionized the 21st Century.
It took communication to a level that Alexander Graham bell couldn’t have foreseen, even with the help of hallucinogens and psychedelic’s.
It gave birth to an entirely new world of information, fathering our new and improved way to explore the new unknown (A.I).
I can see your face now, already scratching your head in curious amazement.
Ok I won’t insult your intelligence any longer.
It’s a computer.
But what does a computer have to do with a human?
Well I’ll tell you plainly without sounding like I received a masters from M.I.T (because I didn’t).
Simply put a computer is a storage device primarily used to house massive amounts of data, similar to the human brain.
This information is then processed and broken down systematically for the user through what’s called a CPU.
(Central Processing Unit). It does all the heavy thinking in layman’s terms.
This CPU is the brain of the computer, giving life to the circuitry, memory, internal and external plug-ins..blah blah blah..you get the point.
From my brief stent of immersion into the I.T field.
I picked up on one supreme finding that forever reshaped how I viewed computer software in relation to human cognitive functioning.
A computers algorithm.
Algorithms are very simple to understand.
To keep it plain, what you put in is what you get out.
Inputs determine outputs.
Intuitively we know this already tho.
Based off of the social media platforms we use daily. We can gain insights on how we navigate and interact with certain content profiles and pages.
What we click, bookmark like etc etc..
More of the same will be offered to us based on time spent (input) and content offered based on search history and data stored from previous transactions (outputs).
Simple enough right?..right.
Maybe not..
But what about Joe? How does this affect him? Where does this leave him in the equation? Why do you even care?
We’ll get to that in just a sec..
Just know that Joe is us internally and we are joe for the most part. Comfort is what we seek even to our detriment.
We have a set way of doing things. It’s what we were taught. Our patterns and behaviors are without a doubt irrationally predictable.
There’s hope so don’t start mourning yet.
We are by nature DOMINANT creatures who desire to be in control.
Take a look at society. It’s built on the hierarchy of the elites and the system they’ve created, the have’s and the have nots.
Human’s not only love being in control, we have to be in control.
- In control of our environment.
- In control of our finances.
- In control of our time.
- In control of what we eat.
- In control of what we wear.
- In control of our creativity.
- In control of our image
- In control of our thoughts.
- In control of our destiny.
This control and desire is inherent in every human being.
Anyone arguing these facts is hopelessly delusional and have serious issues with repressed thoughts.
But the original software was hijacked at some point. Which now results in people living a more comfort driven docile type of lifestyle.
It’s sad really..
Auto-action or auto-pilot syndrome is what most people are stuck on, its when a pre-written script (like a computer).
That’s been handed to the masses and accepted by most.
In their compliance, most people willingly accept the ideas, desires, pursuits and ideals taught.
Let’s go over a few briefly:
- Get a government funded education.
- Get a government sponsored or corporate job.
- Don’t day dream
- Do what your told
- Conform to what you see
- Play it safe.
- Follow the heard
- Avoid risks.
All of these ideas worked with rapid succession at the boom of the industrial age, where this script was the most effective (via our parents and great grandparents thinking).
But in such a technologically flooded, highly competitive society with billions of humans, this should be now labeled an inhumane way of thinking.
As it goes against our basic nature and inherent desire to dominate, create and control our own lives.
This false indoctrination taught us to go against our better judgement and suppress our creativity and individuality.
So what’s the remedy?
The Discovery Of Purpose.
What is it?
The idea of purpose is far from nuanced.
This thought about why man exists, has exceeded the search of thousands of generations before us.
Many philosophers, famous sages, scholars and religious figures have spent their entire lives seeking this meaning.
But as for my discovery? Pretty simple really.
It’s the original intention for the use of a thing and a given reason for why it exists.
To put it simply you are a little god on this earth.
Endowed with:
- A conscious.
- A free will.
- A creative imagination.
- Independent thought.
Sent to carry out an assigned mission.
Little God’s who bare the markings of the BIG G God upstairs. (I’m not religious I promise stay with me here).
We can argue creation and evolution if you’d like. Tomato/To-Moto. Whatever.
Point is, a purpose has to be given to a thing in order for that thing to function properly.
- Have you made toast with the engine of your car?
- Have you ever put orange juice in your gas tank because gas was too high?
- Have you ever used a brick for a snack when you were hungry?
All of which you undoubtedly have not.
And by any chance, if you have. Please seek psychotherapy immediately..no seriously.
Anything that is not being used for its proper use and PURPOSE.
Is being abused..a break down of that word would be said this way:
(Ab- normal) So in essence it is being abnormally used.
So a human, the apex creature who sits at the top of all of creation who is not controlling and expanding their environment continually, is by nature malfunctioning
The Hardware Fix.
What most people fail to realize is that by slowing things down.
Hitting the reset button on our thoughts,
Allowing deeper introspection about our lives and taking mental inventory of what’s truly important in life to us.
Will begin to see problems for what they really are with more clarity.
You will begin to see what you truly want and just how far you’ve strayed from that path of true purpose and fulfillment by studying your thoughts more deeply.
To combat this incorrect mental Algorithm we’ve adopted in our youth, it will take deliberate action, patience and a willingness for change.
It begins with deleting some much needed storage space in our heads.
It starts with tackling personal biases that we haven’t yet accepted and are presently holding us back without our knowing.
By freeing up your CPU (your mind) to input correct behaviors that drive and prompt appropriate change.
You can experience drastic mental evolution. Which can be applied as follows:
- Phone Off – ( Improves focus)
- Mediate – (Increases consciousness)
- Write – (Improves awareness)
- Create – (Reveals intrinsic value)
- Socially Connect – (Reveals Interdependence)
- Self Educate – (Increases personal value)
- Build a Business – (Package & Sell your expertise)
These are not opinions but general principles that can be used to literally change your life.
Plug It In Already.
I think a brief summary is in order here.
Back to Joe..
Joe from earlier on in this letter, like most people have accepted incorrect inputs.
These inputs have unfortunately led to undesired outputs for his life.
- Faulty thinking.
- Repetitive negative behavioral patterns.
- A lack luster drive for more.
- A life of mediocrity.
- A sense of purposelessness
- A passive approach to life.
- A life of comfort instead of discipline.
- A life of weakness instead of Dominance.
Joe has clearly missed the mark, he has not accepted the fact that he is ultimately in control of his own algorithm.
Joe has little awareness of his assigned program and the biases hindering him.
He has no understanding of his purpose .
He’s blind to his assigned program from his youth, how he should delete it and install a new program that would improve the quality of his life exponentially.
Long story…..Don’t be Joe.
Be you and take to heart what written in this letter.
You rise or fall to the basic level of your algorithm and who you connect yourself too.
Until next Sunday Fam,
Keep Living on Purpose and Dominating with Intention.